Site of Karl Hans Welz, the
Inventor of the
Chi Generator®, Orgonite® and Orgone
Gigantic Step into the Future !!!
Reich invented the orgone accumulator, a device that accumulated life force
from its surroundings.
Karl Hans Welz invented the Orgone Generator®, the first device on the
planet that actually generates life force.
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Masters International |
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Download and listen: Rune-Tune for Magic Rune-Tune for Rune MeditationThis
is music based on a scale with 18 tones in the octave instead of the
usual 12-tone music. Now you can listen to the amazing effects of
this innovative approach using third-tones instead of half-tones in
compositions, which most certainly will be an incredible new musical
experience that you have never had before! |
From the author of the courses: The
long awaited and highly anticipated English Language Translation |
Rune Magic !!! Rune
Magic is extra power for you! It is ancient technology. Using the creative powers of the Runes for your psychic development and spiritual advancement, you can naturally gain control of love, money, business, sports, status, and life itself. •
You can harness the powers of Runeyoga
to control the flow of life force for stamina,
endurance, and an abundance of creative mental and physical energy.
• The Basic Rune Course leads you on your path to become a Rune Master. • The Rune Reading Course is an introduction to the art of reading the Runes! • The Rune Magic Book - basic information about the Armanen Runes . • The Rune Ceremonial Book - an introduction. |
A word about myself to the student of the coursesI started my studies of Rune magic 1972 while in Berlin, Germany. I have written the Rune courses starting in 1982. In their basic structure, these courses have significant differences to all by now totally obsolete approaches to Runic practice of the past as they are essentially different from all of the the many rather nostalgic present day approaches to Rune lore. It is obvious that the Blavatskian-Theosophical pseudo-pop-historical approach, to which most Rune Masters of the 20th century happily subscribed, is entirely bankrupt in many respects and, in fact, totally untenable, if not absolutely ridiculous. This became clearly obvious after the total military defeat of the ideological offshoots of that approach. |
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History, biology, archaeology and other modern sciences tell an entirely different story than these ludicrous reveries of the first half of the 20th century about "Atlantis", "root races", "Hyperboreans" or the Hörbiger theories of a hollow world, which may have originated as an esoteric side-effect, perhaps even a "philosophical justification" of European colonialism: Things to which only a few lunatics and a couple of "secret lodges" of our era, most of them with definite fascist undercurrents, are still subscribing.From the very beginning of my studies on, I have recognized the Runes as being primary abstractions. In fact, their simplicity, and at the same time their complex effects, pointed to the fact that these abstractions were of a pre-linguistic, in some situations even non-linguistic characteristic. This means that we can trace back this type of creative interaction with the environment to the earliest origins of humankind, even before language evolved as we know it in our days. Approaching Runes this way, I could no longer treat Runes in the way that practically all authors of the past viewed them: namely as an "inherently Germanic" substitute ("ersatz?!"), alternative, or replacement, for the magical systems that are based on the Cabbala. This was the approach that has been reverberating throughout all Runic literature that I have studied, and it is so in practically all Runic literature still in our days. In fact, the simplicity of the Runic approach to magic and the fact that Runes were not as easily to control by some people as were the cabbalistic energies made me aware that there was a dimension to this ancient system that traditional magicians have overlooked - or of which they could not have been aware at all, even if some of their practices sometimes included a few elements of this dimension, a dimension that reaches far beyond and at the same time deeper than the language-based structures of the Cabbala. Having had this experience of Runes, I then decided to approach the Runes as creating and defining energies rather than as created and well-defined ones. When I established this approach to Runes, which included the introduction, definition and use of the "Rune Realms" (see the Basic Rune Course, inner Rune Realm, outer Rune Realm and Rune Realm of creative energies) they naturally revealed their immense power to me and they did so instantly! In addition to that, they turned out to be relatively easy to control, since I approached them according to their nature: as energies belonging to the realms of creation, as defining energies rather than the typical cabbalistic ones that are well defined. I did not tie the Runes onto the "Procrustes bed" of cabbalistic thinking nor did I force the Runes into the often abused mold of "definitions". Consequently I had easy access to the enormous power of the creative realms. These realms are way beyond the well-defined planetary energies (or entities of the spheres in a Bardonian sense) and, in fact, you can use these creative energies as modifiers of such entities. This became very clear when I evoked Bardonian spirits and other entities inside a Runic circle. The Runes allowed the creation of energy fields (entities) with a power and flexibility that simply cannot appear when we work with the same energies without the impact of a connection to the realms of creation. This entirely new, and yet ancient, approach to Runes is the crux of my courses and the magical practice therein that you are going to study and apply. Naturally, I used the 18 Runes that Guido von List introduced. In fact, it did not take much practice to recognize their superiority over all other systems, including those of which their authors and promoters claim to be "elder". It certainly is obvious that List was onto something when he had his "revelations", without ever fully realizing just how powerful this system can be. After experiencing the creation-dimension of the Runes (above all the 18 Futhork Runes, i.e., the Armanen System), there is no way that we can speak ever again of a Rune magic besides the known cabbalistic methods or as a substitute of these methods based on Germanic religion. Quite to the contrary, the Armanen Futhork is a system of creative energies that naturally reaches far beyond the well-defined cabbalistic energies. We can use these qualitatively superior, defining and creating Runic energy fields to achieve our ultimate magical flexibility as human beings, either in conjunction with well-defined energies ("Bardonian entities, cabbalistic spirits", etc.) or independently from them. The far-reaching potential of this new method and new approach became obvious when, at some point (still while writing the lessons of the Basic Rune course under the aspect of this new approach) I evoked a Germanic god with a Rune. Before the god could manifest, the Rune asked me what god I wanted to create! It is obvious that connecting this approach to the Runes with any type or religion, religious nostalgia and the like is simply ludicrous. With this in mind, I founded the order of the Knights of Runes in 1984 and I introduced the title "grand Rune Master," not used before. My wife was instrumental in helping me set up the organization. Working with advertising in metaphysical magazines, the loosely organized order soon grew to a size of several hundred and many of the students were initiated in to being Rune Masters, including a large group in Japan. The Japanese translation is available at In all, during the years of its existence, more than 800 persons signed up with the KOR to study the Runes. After my invention of the Chi Generator®, a generator of Od, or life force, and the ensuing technologies, I simply had no longer the time to continue. I stopped advertising for it, and since I never developed hierarchies, the KOR became dormant very soon. However, I put the Rune classes for free on the Internet already in 1993, in connection with other courses that I had written. Soon afterwards, I gave a charter to Mr. Camp, who was very interested in the subject matter and interested in starting the organization anew. At first, I was very happy having seen the group being reborn. However, I was not much in tune with some of thosee "folkish" approaches, which attracted some rather unsavory elements to the organization. I finally did that which I considered necessary: to get rid of all ties with the group that I started originally, as insignificant as such ties may have seemed to be at that point in time, and to act the way I have been acting when starting the order: Again I am offering the courses together with the Rune Songs to any person who is interested in developing their creative energies within and to get in tune with the creative energies of the universe. This is a technology that is open to all human beings and, in fact, to all beings who can gain an advantage of such knowledge. Joining the brotherhood and studying is entirely free, and you can find all relevant materials on this web site. I am going to give some streaming video online tuition to persons who have studied the course. In these streaming video broadcasts I am going to include very advanced methods, which are not described in the free Rune courses. The streaming video broadcasts are for a fee and onle persons are invited to participate who have an open mind and who have advanced sufficiently in their studies. They need to be members of the Great, time-less Brotherhood of Rune Masters. Again, the approach is universal and beyond any religious dreamscapes. Having done away with religions and fairy tales at the early age of 13, I simply never wanted to get into any of that stuff again, no matter what the tradition. On the other hand, I acknowledge that there are more objective realities in the universe than there are living being, ... quite a few, and that's my principle of tolerance, which is based on scientific principles. I know, many followers of religious creeds cannot reciprocate that courtesy, and that is their decision, which I respect. From those who want to join and study with me, I am expecting that tolerance, or courtesy. Respecting someone's decision does not mean that I want to deal with such a person. Therefore, it is better for such persons to stay away, much better, becausealredy at the time when I created them and started the order of the Knights, I have set up the courses in a way that such people will not get benefit at all from the innovations that I included such as the Rune Realms, approach to Runes as creative energies, the title of "Grand Rune Master," etc. Quite to the contratry! Staying away from those built-in energies is a much better choice for such "folks," much better! I have mentioned that in my original brochures back in 1984 when I started the order of the Knights of Runes, and I am repeating this here! To join the time-less brotherhood of Rune Masters and to have help in your progressof studies whenever needed, simply send an e-mail. As a consequence of the life force technology that I developed (I have built the first device on this planet that actually generates life force, i.e., the Chi Generator®, or generator of Od) and the scientific explanation of magic, radionics, and the power of abstractions such as thought forms, gods, sigils, radionic settings, etc. (also a first on this planet, see my course "Magick of the Future"), the power of a Rune magic that is rooted in the realms of creation has increased significantly! A Rune can then become a creative energy that is continuously powered by life force (Od) coming from a Chi Generator®. You can direct the general effect of the action of this Runic energy and define the outcome of the operation. The Rune (or bind-rune) will then be the ultimate thought-form that works independently and creatively towards the result with an efficiency that the traditional "spirits", "familiars", etc., certainly can never exhibit. When studying the courses, especially the Basic Rune Course, you can become well aware of the power of the realms of creation that you learn to access with your first lesson. With this awareness, you can then gain the maximum benefit from your studies and you certainly can have the practical experience that helps you to understand and use the tremendous power of this entirely new approach to the Armanen Runes. Karl Hans Welz |
Runes And Religion Because of their power, Runes or Rune-like symbols, have been part of religious systems in the past as well as they are in present times. Therefore Runes cannot be considered to be the "proprietary system" of any specific religious creed, even if they were or are an important part of such a creed. Keep in mind that THE BASIC TECHNOLOGIES OF RUNE MAGIC ARE INDEPENDENT FROM ANY RELIGIOUS BELIEF STRUCTURE. TRUE RUNE MASTERS encourage incorporation of Rune practice in any religious system, provided that its teachings and actions encompass tolerance and love. We know that RUNES ARE FOR EVERY INTELLIGENT BEING IN THE UNIVERSE! The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes are a symbolism that represents universal cosmic structures. They connect with RUNES ARE COSMIC ENERGIES OF CREATION that connect you with the WORLD CRYSTAL. As such, you can see them as the basic elements of A MYSTICAL LANGUAGE THAT GIVES YOU ACCESS TO THE REALMS OF CREATION. Runes guarantee naturally that you can participate in the eternal processes of creating, re-creating, and shaping your destinies and your universes. EACH RUNE IS A SWITCH, OR TRIGGER, TO A SEED IDEA OF THE REALMS OF CREATION. Such a seed idea helps you to connect the un-speakable realms of creation with your world. This connection gives you the power to create wherever you wish to! Therefore, to combine Runes means to combine seed ideas expressed in the realms of creation and to practice Runes means to creatively act upon your universe! |
Runes are Symbols on Many Levels First, they carry a number that defines their position within the symbolism as a whole. A RUNIC NUMEROLOGY has emerged from this connection. Using this Runic numerology in combination with a RUNIC ASTROLOGY, you can find out which creative energies, or PERSONAL RUNES, exert the most dominant impact upon your present life. Second, each Rune is a symbol. You can draw or visualize this symbol. Each Runic symbol gives you access to the specific power of the Creative Realm it represents. The graphic symbols of the Runes connect with the WORLD CRYSTAL. They are representatives of the creative energies of the world crystal. The symbol of the world crystal is the hexagon with the three inscribed diameters. If you look at a regular quartz crystal from the top you will see this structure. Each Rune fits neatly into this symbol of the world crystal. Next, each Rune naturally connects with a MANTRA, OR WORD OF POWER. You can use this mantra to bring the power of the corresponding Rune into manifestation. You can use the RAD 2000 RU or RAD 2400 HD RU to generate Rune Mantras and to use these mantras for manifestation on all levels. Each Rune and combination of Runes does also connect with SPECIFIC SOUND FREQUENCIES. These frequencies are useful for healing, chakra balancing, and many other psychic practices. In the Rune Master Radionics Program, you can make use of these very special Runic sounds with their EIGHTEEN TONES IN THE OCTAVE and you wil naturally learn to cherish them!
HAND AND BODY POSTURES of Runes are another way to draw Rune energies. They are the basis for a powerful Rune Yoga. In connection with a Runic Hermetic Medicine, Rune Yoga is a powerful tool for healing on all levels. With a Chi Generator®, you can now give your Runes this extra power that has been achieved never before in history. E-mail me for a free transfer! |
Runes provide you with this extra power and energy Runes are creative energies. Consequently, they act fast and very powerfully. You can trigger them easily. Many of our students have experienced desired results fast, often overnight. Since they represent creative energies, Runes can help you to overcome negative karma. Unlike many religious belief systems, RUNES ARE LIFE-AFFIRMATIVE. RUNIC PRACTICE IS APPLIED METAPHYSICS. With Runic practice, YOU UNFOLD YOUR NATURAL ABILITIES that you have had all your life, but of which you may never have been aware. Runes allow you to flex your psychic muscle in the same way others may take advantage of their wealth, prestige, or position on the ladder of social success. If you are enjoying this latter advantage already, Runes can certainly boost your position and help you get still further ahead! Rune Masters believe that EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS A RIGHT TO HAPPINESS, health, peace of mind, prosperity, and abundance. There is enough out there to satisfy everyone. Rune Masters see it as their obligation to help others achieve that to which they are entitled. Rune Masters emphasize that a belief system, or religion, which concerns itself in the main with the IF AND WHEN at the expense of the HERE AND NOW is not worth any serious consideration. If you are unable to control your HERE AND NOW, you have no hope for the IF AND WHEN! The BASIC RUNE COURSE will teach you the means of taking care of your present situations, or challenges, be they emotional, material, mental, or spiritual. Above all, Rune Masters will emphasize practical, hands-on experience. We leave the teaching of lots of dogmas and "secret wisdom lessons", which you are supposed to accept blindly at the expense of direct evidence, to the twisted minds of the templemasters who are presiding the all-too-many "ancient lodges" of our times. Whenever it is necessary to present you with a theory, we follow the principle to keep it simple! Furthermore, we will never demand that you believe us blindly. In the BASIC RUNE COURSE and the other courses, you will find the means of checking for the truth in what you learn.
RUNES OR "RUNES"? IT IS EXCLUSIVELY YOUR CHOICE! If you have followed more recent metaphysical trends, you know that there are many schools of Runic thought. Most of these schools have adopted various runic systems that contain 24 symbols and even more. I have no problem with the 24 Runes and I am quite happy that some of the runic groups in existence that follow obsolete doctrines are using the weaker systems. For the serious student of the matter, however, I would like to set a few facts straight. Since Ralph Blum has published his "Book of Runes," the metaphysically inclined public became increasingly interested in Runes. Blum's book was a big success, because it offered a washed down version of Runic practice that was custom tailored to the typical simple-mindedness of the run off the mill New-Ager. Blum certainly deserves a lot of credit for awakening the awareness of Runes ("Rune Stones") in many people who otherwise would have never known of this fine system. The success of Ralph Blum's book led to the usual consequences. Publishers hurried to throw on the market book after book. To fill an increasing interest of the public some publishers went even one step further. They contracted professional writers who had nothing but surface knowledge about Runes and whose main skill was concentrated on ripping off the ideas of others. Most of these publications have one common flaw: the self appointed "expert" writers had, like the successful Ralph Blum, no idea of the deeper side of Runic mysteries, let alone true experience or legitimate initiation. All too often students who believed the slogans of publishers became rapidly disappointed and frustrated, since most of the half baked fakers whose "systems" they studied could not deliver. One American author, Don Tyson and his publisher, Llewellyn, even boasted to be the first on the planet to ever have published Rune cards. Those good folks apparently were not aware that Karl Spiesberger's book included a deck of Rune cards. Spiesberger's book, with Rune cards, appeared on the German market some 35 years before Llewellyn's "first deck" creation and their ludicrous claim. Spiesberger's book is a classic that even the typical mediocre "expert" of Runes should have known! Perhaps they lied for marketing purposes. Until quite recently, the Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes were the main system of Runic practice in Germany. Then several excellent scholars began to search for Runic alphabets that may have predated the Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes historically and they were developing a system of Rune magic from at leat one of them. This was an interesting venture indeed, especially since the origin of the Armanen Runes is based on insights of one single person, Guido con List. However, what's of an older age is not necessarily more useful, or more powerful. To fully understand the scope of what nonsense some these researchers conjured up, compare this venture with the general progress in technology throughout the ages. In our days, nobody in his or her right mind would use stone axes and live in caves, being convinced that such things are superior to the achievements of modern technology in dealing with the many challenges of modern life, just because such primitive technology is "elder." True, most Runic arrays, even Blum's cooked-up system, are o.k. for divination, for worship of imagined gaseous mammals above the clouds and the like and even for some simple magic. What they cannot do is bring you in touch with the deeper sides of Runic wisdom, and even less with the creative realms of the universe. This is so because not one of these arrays is a true symbolism. The most important characteristic of a true symbolism is that the position of each symbol in relation to every other symbol is of crucial importance. Consequently, once you know the esoteric structure of a symbolism and the meaning of one of its symbols, you are naturally capable to precisely establish the meanings of all other symbols. Another important characteristic of a true symbolism is that the energy of the symbolism as a whole is qualitatively and quantitatively superior to the sum total of its individual symbols. Systems that lack these characteristics are, often worthless, arrays of incoherent symbols and not true symbolisms. The symbolism of the Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes has more than just one esoteric structure as its basis:
From the above follows that the symbolism of the Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes with its wide ranging correlations is esoterically much more meaningful and naturally more powerful than any of the arrays of Runic alphabets that the many modern day "experts" and Rune gurus describe so exhaustively. Those persons limit themselves stubbornly to the use of Runes for readings and for a few practices of "religious magic" that usually connects with some nostalgia of ancient religion. Usually they see their Runes as symbols that stand for some worldly and spiritual meanings. Others see in the Runes an expression of some ancient gods. True perhaps, but the fact that Runes reach way beyond the realm of the gods and that they give access to the realms of creation (realms where you can actually create your gods) escapes them all together, and so does the tremendous power that is contained in this ancient true symbolism. We know that the ancient Norse religion was the last religious system that included some Runic practice in its belief structures. We know also that Runes cannot be limited to be part of any one religious belief system. Because of their universal esoteric basis (some of which I have shown above) the Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes are the basis for an esoteric and spiritual technology that can be of use for every intelligent being in the universe. Because of the superior power of this technology, many professional healers, psychics, occultists, and other persons who are in leading positions, are naturally drawn to the Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes which they consider to be a most valuable asset. |
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Rune Staves |
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Rune Staves
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Rune Master Radionics Program |
770 924 0223 |
Rune Radionics™
This extraordinary technology allows you to provide any magical operation with a continuous supply of life force. Life force is the motor of any magic, or magic work at a distance. The transfer test in our web sites will give you irrefutable proof of this fact. This technology is naturally superior to any traditional method, because there is simply no instance where people can generate life force continuously, no matter what methods they are trying to use. Currently we have a selection of four devices and one radionics program. Call us for a free test with the Rune of your choice! Information about Rune Radionics™ Devices |
Rune Yoga Course | ||
Astrology Course | ||
Tarot Spells | ||
Talisman Course |
1982, 1993, 2002 by Karl Hans Welz.
All rights reserved. No part of the courses and web sites may be reproduced
in any forms or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system,
without prior permission in writing from the author. Address queries to HSCTI
P.O. Box 1298
Woodstock, GA 30188