Course in Natal Astrology
Karl Hans
Welz, inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite®, etc.
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Introduction | Lesson I | Lesson II | Lesson III |
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Lesson 7Parts 6 to 15 - Basic StructuresPerhaps the most important task of interpreting a chart is to derive its basic structures. Once you know these basic structures, you have done in a matter of minutes the task that takes a psychologist a few hours of elaborate testing, ... and more!You do the structuring by means of categorizing. For instance, it makes a significant difference whether most planets are above the horizon at the time of birth or whether they are below the horizon. What Groupings are Dominant?The next task is to find out what groupings of signs and houses are the dominant ones, i.e., which characteristics are dominant in the horoscope. For instance, it is useful to know the dominant quadruplicity, which gives indication whether a person has initiative, stability, or capability to adjust as a main quality.The more planets are found in a group of signs, or houses, the more the qualities of the group gains on strength and importance. The task of the astrologer, therefore, is to calculate the strength of each group. This calculation is more than a mere adding up of the numbers of the planets, because there are planets in the chart that are more important than others. Also, if the results are very close, it is often better to consider other factors. In calculating the strength of groups of signs or houses, you use the following point system: Give three points each for the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and Midheaven. These are by far the most individual parts of the horoscope. Give two points each to the faster planets Mercury, Venus and Mars. Give one point each to the slower planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. If you include the Lunar node, give it one point. Look at the sample chart for an example! Now you continue as follows:Part 6 -- North NodeConstruct this sentence with the North Node: The subject will receive benefits in matters concerning -- (key statement from part 4 for the house in which the North Node falls.)Part 7 -- South NodeConstruct this sentence about the south Node: The subject will be called upon to make sacrifices through matters concerning -- (key statement from part 4 for the house in which the South Node falls).Part 8 -- Part of FortuneConstruct this sentence about the Part of fortune: Whether or not the subject is consciously aware of the fact, he (she) will be frequently focus his (her) thoughts upon matters concerning -- (key statement from part 4 for the house in which the part of fortune falls).Part 9 -- SextupletsHot and Cold (positive and negative signs)Look at the distribution of the planets in positive and negative signs. (a) If the numbers are approximately the same, i.e., no more difference than two points, the statement is: There is a balance between active and passive characteristics. (b) If the difference lies between 3 and 5 points in favor of the positive signs, record this sentence: The person is ("you are ..." if you read for someone) slightly more active than self-repressive. (c) If the difference is between 3 and 5 points in favor of the negative signs, state the following: The person is slightly more self-repressive than active. (d) If there is a significant difference (more than 5 points) in favor of the positive signs, record the following: The person is more active than self-repressive. (e) If the difference is in favor of the negative signs, state the following: The person is more self-repressive than active. 2. SextupletsDry and Humid (fire + earth versus water + air)Electric signs, or dry signs, i.e., fire and earth signs, give tension. Magnetic signs, or humid signs, i.e., water and air, relax. Add up the points for fire and earth, then add up water and air, then compare which grouping is stronger. (a) If the difference is two points or less, record this sentence: There is a balance between tension and relaxedness. (b) If there is a difference between 3 and 5 points in favor of the dry signs (fire and earth), record this sentence: The person is slightly more tense than relaxed. (c) If there is a difference between 3 and 5 points in favor of the humid signs (air and water), record this sentence: The person is slightly more relaxed than tense. (d) If there is a considerable difference in favor of the dry signs, record this sentence: The person is generally tense. (e) If there is a considerable difference in favor of the humid signs, record this sentence: The person is generally relaxed. Part 10 -- Triplicities -- ElementsThe next thing you do is evaluate the elements and then record the appropriate sentence or sentences.(a) If fire and air are not more than 2 points different, record nothing. (b) If fire is three or more points stronger than air, record this sentence: The person usually expends more energy that he or she has ideas. He/she is a doer who has the tendency to act first and think later. (c) If there is a significant overweight of air signs, record the following sentence: The person has more ideas than she/he will expend energy. she/he is a thinker who wants everything well thought-over before acting. (d) If earth signs and water signs show no more than two points of difference, record nothing. (e) If earth signs are three or more points stronger than water signs, record this sentence: The subject has some difficulties in bringing into reality some of her/his undertakings because she/he tends to be overly cautious. (f) If water signs are three or more points stronger than earth signs. record this sentence: The subject has some difficulties in bringing into reality some of her/his undertakings because she/he tends to take too many risks. Part 11 -- QuadruplicitiesNow you evaluate the distribution of the planets among the quadruplicities.(a) If there is a fairly even distribution of the planets among the cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs, record this sentence: The person is able to exhibit initiative, stability, and adaptability. (b) If the cardinal signs are excessively strong, record this sentence: The subject readily undertakes new projects, but he/she may lack the stability to finish everything and the skill to adapt to changing circumstances, or adversity. (c) If there is an excessive dominance of fixed signs, record this sentence: The person does not readily accept innovation and he/she is not easily persuaded to see more than one side of an issue. However, once he/she started something, he/she stays with it until it's finished. (d) If there is a preponderance of mutable signs, record this sentence: The person my tend to be somewhat flighty and easily influenced. (e) If cardinal and fixed signs are well represented, but there is hardly any mutable sign influence, record this sentence: The person readily initiates new projects and has the power to follow through with them, but he/she dislikes change and he/she has a lack of adjustability which could be necessary to cope with changing circumstances and adversity. (f) If cardinal and mutable signs are well represented, but there is a marked lack of fixed sign influence., record this sentence: The person readily undertakes new projects and has the power to cope with adversity, but he/she lacks the stability necessary to stay with things once they have been set in motion. (g) If fixed and mutable signs are well represented but there is a marked weakness in cardinal sign representation, record this sentence: The person can stay with things once he/she has begun them and he/she can easily adjust to changing circumstances, but he/she lacks initiative to begin new ventures. Part 12 -- StelliumA stellium is formed when four or more planets are found in a house. If you find a stellium in any house, say: You experience an unusual amount of activity through matters concerning ... (here you insert the key words for the house in which the stellium is found).Part 13 -- Special AspectsExamine the aspects (ideally in the "zodiacal" charts that show degrees, with aspects drawn into the chart, and not the primitive twelve-equal-wedges chart as is still used in Anglo Saxon countries) for the special ones and construct the appropriate sentence or sentences.(a) If there is a grand trine, construct this sentence: The subject may experience too much of ease in (key statements from part 4 for the houses in which the planets fall) and may easily become incapable of dealing with adversity in these matters. (b) If there is a grand cross, construct this sentence: The subject will have opportunities to develop unusual ability and strength of character through or will accept defeat in (key statements from part 4 for the four houses in which the four planets fall). (c) If there is a T-square, construct this sentence: The subject will experience difficulties through (key statements from part 4 for the three houses in which the planets fall that form the T-square). (d) If there is an unaspected planet, construct this sentence: The subject will encounter impediments to his/her efforts to perfect his/her life pattern as he/she seeks to (key words from part 3 for the unaspected planet). Part 14 -- Hemispheric DistributionCount the number of planets in the southern half of the chart, in the northern half, in the eastern half, and in the western half. Then record the appropriate sentence or sentences.(a) If the distribution of the planets between the north and the south of the chart is even, record nothing. (b) If the number of planets in the southern half of the chart is greater than the number of planets in the northern half, record this sentence: The subject is more objective than subjective; thus, he/she is more concerned with the practical and the visible. (c) If the number of planets in the northern half of the chart is greater than the number of planets in the southern half, record this sentence: The subject is more subjective than objective; thus, he/she is more concerned with the spiritual and the invisible. (d) If the distribution of the planets between the east and the west of the chart is even, record nothing. (e) If the number of planets in the eastern half of the chart is greater than the number of planets in the western half, record this sentence: The subject can dictate the course of his/her own career and life quite well. (f) If the number of planets in the western half of the chart is greater than the number of planets in the eastern half, record this sentence: The subject is seldom the real author of his/her own destiny; often he/she needs someone to start him/her off. Part 15 -- Chart PatternsThe twentieth century American astrologer, Marc Edmund Jones, developed a system of dividing birth charts into seven types. This system is based upon the placement and distribution of the planets within the chart.When you determine the pattern of the chart, you need to disregard the part of fortune and the nodes. Type 1: SplashThe planets occupy almost all signs, and there are no adjacent vacant signs. Record this note: The subject is uninhibited, has universal interests, and a thirst for wide knowledge. He/she will either scatter the energies indiscriminately or will organize them on the widest possible scope.Type 2: BundleThe planets occupy the confines of a trine (120 degrees) or an even smaller space. Record this note: The subject does not respond to stimuli from without, has narrow interests, and develops inhibitions. Nevertheless, he/she gains the power to capitalize with surprising effectiveness upon limited resources.Type 3: BowlThe planets occupy one half of the chart (180 degrees). Record this sentence: The subject is a strongly self-contained person and has great inner resources. The occupied half of the chart reveals the activity and organization of the self, which continually seed to explore the activity symbolized by the vacant half.Type 4: BucketAll planets except one (or two together) occupy no more than one half of the chart. The one or two planets together oppose the other planets. Record this sentence: The subject will direct his/her efforts toward a single purpose; and his/her inclinations (key words for the planet of planets isolated) will be especially active. He/she has a compelling orientation to the whole of life and places a strong emphasis upon self projection.Type 5: SeesawThe planets fall into two opposing groups. The vacant zodiacal areas measure at least 90 degrees or one segment 90 degrees and the other 60 degrees, never less. Record this sentence: The subject realizes two directly opposed types of experience, thereby developing an awareness of conflict that either enables him/her to find a happy medium or causes him/her to struggle perpetually with diametrically opposed urges. His/her pattern of life has an up and down motion.Type 6: LocomotiveThe planets fall more or less evenly within two thirds of the chart, leaving an empty trine (120 degrees), Record this sentence: The subject will develop high executive abilities and a strong self-driving individuality. He/she will also have a strong sense of lack that will produce an inner compulsion to seek fulfillment. He/she will try to project the whole self into life and its experiences and will rebel at discipline.Type 7: SplayThe planets are not arranged into any one of the other six patterns but are distributed somewhat irregularly around the chart, usually based upon three points of emphasis, an arrangement that may result in a grand trine. Record this sentence: The subject has the ability to entrench himself/herself into his/her own stronghold so that he/she always has something to which he/she can always turn in times of stress. He/she is likely to be a sturdy person and can be a ruthless one.Back to Lesson VIBack to Astrology Page |
1982 by Karl Hans Welz.
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