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II - CHAPTER V CONCERNING THE BATHS, AND HOW THEY ARE TO BE ARRANGED The Bath is necessary for all Magical and Necromantic Arts; wherefore, if thou wishest to perform any experiment or Operation, having arranged all things necessary thereunto according to the proper days and hours, thou shalt go unto a river or running stream, or thou shalt have warm water ready in some large vessel or tub in thy secret cabinet, and while disrobing thyself of thy raiment thou shalt repeat the following Psalms: Psalms xiv. or liii. ; xxvii. ; liv. ; lxxxi. ; cv. And when the Master shall be entirely disrobed let him enter into the water or into the Bath, and let him say: THE EXORCISM OF THE WATER. l exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, by Him Who hath created thee and gathered thee together into one place so that the dry land appeared, that thou uncover all the deceits of the Enerny, and that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleannesses of the Spirits of the World of Phantasm, so they may harm me not, through the virtue of God Almighty, Who liveth and reigneth unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen. Then shalt thou begin to wash thyself thoroughly in the Bath, saying: MERTALIA, MUSALIA, DOPHALIA, ONEMALIA, ZITANSEIA, GOLDA, PHAIRA, DEDULSAIRA, GHEVIALAIRA, GHEMINAIRA, GEGROPHEIRA, CEDAHI, GILTHAR, GODIEB, EZOIIL, MUSJL, GRASSIL, TAMEN, PUERI, GODU, HUZNOTH, ASTACHOTH, TZABAOTH, ADONAI, AGLA, ON, EL, TETRAGRAMMATON, SHEMA, ARESION, ANAPHAXETON, SEGILATON, PRIMEUMATON. All the which Names thou shalt repeat twice or thrice, until thou art completely washed and clean, and when thou are perfectly pure thou shalt quit the Bath, and sprinkle thyself with exorcised water, in the manner described later on, and thou shalt say: Purge me, O Lord, with hyssop, and l shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Whilst again clothing thyself, thou shalt recite the following Psalms: Psalms cii. ; li. , iv. ; xxx. ; cxix., Mem, v. 97 ; cxiv. ; cxxvi. ; cxxxix., After which thou shalt recite the following Prayer: PRAYER. EL Strong and Wonderful, I bless Thee, I adore Thee, I glorify Thee, I invoke Thee, I render Thee thanks from this Bath, so that this Water may be able to cast from me all impurity and concupiscence of heart, through Thee, O Holy ADONAI ; and may I accomplish all things through Thee Who livest and reignest unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen. After this take the Salt and bless it in this manner: THE BENEDICTION OF THE SALT. The Blessing of the Father Almighty be upon this Creature of Salt, and let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hencefrom, and let all good enter herein, for without Thee man cannot live, wherefore l bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me. Then thou shalt recite over the Salt Psalm ciii. Then taking the grains of the exorcised Salt thou shalt cast them into the aforesaid Bath ; and thou shalt again disrobe thyself, pronouncing the following words: IMANEL, ARNAMON, IMATO, MEMEON, RECTACON, MUOBOII, PALTELLON, DECAION, YAMENTON, YARON, TATONON, VAPHORON, GARDON, EXISTON, ZAGVERON, MOMERTON, ZARMESITON, TILEION, TIXMION. After this thou shalt enter a second time into the Bath and recite Psalms civ. and lxxxi. Then thou shalt quit the Bath and clothe thyself as before in linen garments clean and white, and over them thou shalt put the garments, of which we shall speak in the proper Chapter, and thus clothed thou shalt go to finish thy work. The Disciples should wash themselves in like manner, and with like solemnities. |
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