The Site of Karl Hans Welz, the Inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite® and Power Magick™

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Click below to join the FREE COURSES of YOUR CHOICE You can also receive free course pdfs by email through the Life Manifestations Stan Store

The following applications of this extraordinary new technology are based on personal experiences of many proud owners of Chi Generators®, orgone radionics™ devices and power radionics™ programs.  Click below on the links of your choice for more information.  Naturally, there are infinite many more uses, many of which you certainly will find and explore.

agriculture, plants, lawns break up electrosmog, DOR, gaming management pet care sports
artistic inspiration business, office energy geopathic stress marketing politics supplements
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balance competition fitness intuition money relationships weight loss
body building customers friendship lawsuits music skin care well-being
brainwaves defense gambling love NLP speed-learning
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Magick, affirmations radionics and other methods of manifestation, boosted by Chi Generators® is Technology for
self improvement   Self-Improvement, Balance, Intellectual Skills
     fitness and weight loss   Fitness, Sports, Weight Loss, Body Building
          control of destiny   Trend Management, Control of Destiny
               popularity and mind control   Mind Control, Popularity and Charisma

Chi Generators® are Powerful Tools for you to achieve ...
general success  Assured Success Faster and Easier
orgonite results  Results that are More Effective than ever before
positive permanent solutions  Positive Permanent Solutions
               orgonite devices  ... at the Flip of a Switch!

It's fun, it's exciting, and you certainly can be laid
back and relax while you expect assured success!

You can use your Chi Generator® to magickally boost gambling results

magick for gambling machineThe Chi Generators® and Power Radionics™ Devices are great tools to enhance any function of the mind, both on conscious and sub-conscious levels.  Therefore it can provide you with the ideal precondition to help you enhance your skills of gambling as well as in games of chance in general such as when playing the stock market.  You can train yourself to gain better insights, better skills of intuition, higher intelligence, and other skills that you can use to make the best choices of stocks, numbers, or bets.

Very important in this respect is that you treat games of chance as a business. If, like most "non-professional" gamblers, you fall into the trap of leaving a casino only then when you have no money left to play, then you will lose no matter how good your overall odds are. A good rule of thumb is to leave whenever you have 50% more than the money with which you started playing, and this rule has to be followed no matter what. Then better odds can lead to massive overall success.

Also, state lotteries which pay out only 50% for each dollar spent on them are an extremely poor risk when compared to a casino which typically pays out 95% for each dollar spent. Boosting magickally the chances just 10% can naturally lead to overall success in casinos, provided that you treat gambling as a business, while such relatively low increase of the odds can still lead to substantial losses in state lotteries.

Excellent devices for individual use are the LPOG 2400 DL and LPOG 2400 HD and especially the RAD 2400 HD.  Also great are the Performer and the PFC 2400.

gambling astrologyYes!  Chat and Watch and You can get more information about achieving more reliable results when gambling in combination with the very effective
Magic of the Future,
i.e., action at a distance, which you boost with life force!

You can Visit our Live Online Video-Store and Show Room Now!
  Simply click here, follow instructions to video call us, enter our Online Show Room, and we are going to answer your questions!  We can show you live many more ways of how you can use successfully your Chi Generator®, software and accessories for your action at a distance, i.e., for very powerful Magic of the Future !!! 
Chat and Watch live with one of our experts is just a click away!

By now you can put your life and destiny into the best possible hands, which are your own, of course!  You can find out a lot more about many ways of achieving success in gambling, be it in casinos or playing the sock market, when joining our Live Streaming Video Interactive Online Classes, where you can acquire rapidly the know-how of this extremely powerful new magickal technology and you can find out to turn your deepest desires into reality with ease. Click Here for Broadcast Schedules.

By clicking here, you can also join our Chi Technology Online community, share your experience and discuss the many ways in which magick can be used to boost your success in casinos, in lotteries and other gambling situations.

Advanced Magick Courses - they are all for FREE !!!
Magic of the Future
Autogenic Training
magick and structural links magick_facts: About life force technology
Understanding magick and AAD Life energy bridges any distance magick_facts:  Magick and radionics
Basic characteristics of Chi energy Magick Facts: About Magick and Radionics™ Power Magick™: How you can Use it!
Life energytech past and present magick facts: Importance of Trend and Target More about power magick
The scientific approach to magick magick facts: importance of life force Free Transfer Test of Life Energy
important characteristics of magick magick_facts:  More about life force Free Course, Books, Manuals
© 1996, 2010, by Karl Hans Welz - click here for legal information, disclaimers and trademark information