Magick + Action at a Distance
purpose of Magick is to help you in all your work to acquire the good things
in life: power, wisdom, knowledge, success in business and personal
relations, peace of mind, and many more.
I am going to show you here that the use of magick for your success is much easier
than you ever have been conditioned to think. It is an easy to understand
technology that is accessible to every person who has the will and the
open mind to do so. Furthermore, I am going to show you that the technology of magick
makes use of life force (chi energy, orgone, prana) and
structural links (structural connections, near identical or equivalent) to generate specific trends, i.e., to
generate inclination, motivation and action towards envisioned goals. You can generate such trends for yourself as well as for others. I am going to show you here how this works and how you can use this technology
to put yourself onto the road towards your personal success. See
also my free course "Magick of the Future"! |