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The Site of Karl Hans Welz, the Inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite® and Power Magick™

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Permanent Abstraction Technologies: The Manifestation Devices
Radionics is one of the many methods of action at a distance with the help of structural links, and it is extremely effective, flexible and powerful.  In the case of radionics, numeric values are used as structural links.  Abrams was the person who introduced radionics, and he was using rheostats to make his measurements.  Naturally
, he assumed "frequencies," and this was a logical conclusion, which was based on the technological knowledge of his times.  Typically, whenever there is a scientific innovation, some ten to twenty years later followers of alternative sciences are making use of the new terminology.  Similar misunderstandings and abuses by "clever" marketers happened later with "relativity," "quantum mechanics," and of recent "scalar waves," "nanotechnology" and "DNA" just as it has been the case with "frequencies" at Abrams' time. 


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The "frequency" concept remained to our days. 

I conducted quite a few double-blind experiments, in which radionics dials were set arbitrarily while the person setting them knew exactly what the arbitrary setting was for.  At times writing down the intent and then arbitrarily setting the dials.  It worked well, although no stick pad or other ideomotor response technique such as a pendulum was used.  Obviously what counts is a simple method of making a structural link to a target or trend/intent and defining this structural link also as permanent for the time of the operation.  Based on these experiments, we can say that a radionics device is extremely useful and for some people much easier to work with than some of the more complicated ritualistic approaches and the like, and definitely much easier than continuous "focus" for desired results.  The radionic approach is also easier to set up than "vision boards"- and because of the built-in orgone generator is providing it with a continuous supply of orgone energy, orgone radionics much more effective than the typical "vision board."

The RAD 2000
3-Dial Power Radionics™ Device

The RAD 2000 is a three-dial Radionics device with a built-in orgone generator®.  The built-in middle of the line orgone generator® (same power as in the LPOG 2400 DL) has its own frequency setting.  Silver tubing output, stick pad, beamer plate (well).

While the radionics dials are used to connect with a specific desired trend and/or target of a radionics operation, the orgone generator intensifies the action and provides the life force (some call it "psionic power") to succeed.

A combination of radionics and orgone physics guarantees powerful operations for assured success. It is Power Radionics™! 

Uses: The radionics device is "the universal structural link".  Rather than using a symbol (such as a card of any one of the filter "packs") to determine a trend energy that is designed to a desired effect, the 3-dial radionics device utilizes settings (rates) of the envisioned energies.  For more insights about the use of structural links and life force, we recommend that you study the course "Magick of the Future" by Karl Hans Welz. 

Use the three dial device to establish a desired trend-target combination or to set a trend for the person who is carrying the transfer disk or any other link to the device. 

You can greatly expand the Flexibility and Potential of your device with the Manifestation Program

You can boost the output of Chi energy by adding a PBT 2400 Power Booster with Transfer Disk. A TC 99 Transfer Couple is included for free.

The RAD 2000 has the capability to produce living water the same way as the AO 1100, the AO 2000, the RAD 5, etc.

Suggested Accessories to the RAD 2000
performer chi energyperformer chi energy(1)  The TC 99 Transfer Couple (included for free):  For smooth transfer of life energy.  Both parts are made of super orgonite®.  You can slide one part of your TC 99 over the output pipe of your RAD 2000 and carry the other one with you for secure energy transfer at any distance.  You can put the transfer, which you carry with you, onto a key ring. 
transfer(2)  The RAOPTC power transfer couple.  With this accessory, you can boost the power of the RAd 2000.  You can slide one part of your RAOPTC over the output pipe of your RAD 2000 and use the larger disk to charge water, food, drinks and supplements anywhere, or simply carry it on yourself to give a continuous boost to your energy levels.  Both parts are made of super orgonite®.   See picture to the left.
transfer(3)  PBT 2400 power booster with transfer couple - see above.  With this accessory, you can add to the power of the RAD 2000 Chi Generator® (about twice the power).  You can slide one part of your PBT 2400 over the output pipe of your RAD 2000 and carry the small disk on you.  Ideally, attach it to your key chain.  This will provide you with a continuous boost to your energy levels.  Both parts are made of super orgonite®.  

Manifestation Radionics Program

The Basic Manifestation Program

astrodynamic manifestation program

The Manifestation Ultimate Lite and Manifestation Ultimate Pro Software

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performer topview Introduction - Home Magick Facts: About Magick and Power Radionics™
magick facts: Importance of Trend and Target
magick facts: importance of life force
Understanding magick and AAD magick_facts:  More about life force
Basic characteristics of Chi energy magick_facts: About life force based explanations
Life energytech past and present magick_facts:  Magick and radionics
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The following applications of this extraordinary new magickal technology are based on personal experiences of many proud owners of Chi Generators®, orgone radionics™ devices and Manifestation Programs.  Click below on the links of your choice for a wealth of information about the many applications of this extremely versatile technology.  Naturally, there are infinite many more uses, many of which you certainly will find and explore.

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balance competition fitness intuition money relationships weight loss
body building customers friendship lawsuits music skin care well-being
brainwaves defense gambling love NLP sports .
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